פורסם בתאריך אוקטובר 18, 2022 ע"י זהמהזה
Can Arabs serve in elite IDF units?
Meet the Golani Brigade, the No. 1 Brigade in the Israel Defense Forces.
i24NEWS © is the global news network bringing unfiltered, unbiased, global news from where it happens. With headquarters based in the Middle East, i24NEWS broadcasts worldwide from its studios in New York, Paris, Washington and Tel Aviv. In a single newsroom, over 250 journalists of 35 nationalities and faiths together, produce content (news, talk shows, news magazines) available on TV, web and mobile devices.
פורסם בתאריך מרץ 7, 2022 ע"י זהמהזה
Naftali Bennett at the 11th annual international conference | INSS
פורסם בתאריך ינואר 27, 2022 ע"י זהמהזה
Hatikvah ("The Hope") is a 19th-century Jewish poem and the national anthem of Israel. Its lyrics are adapted from a poem by Naftali Herz Imber, a Jewish poet from Złoczów (today Zolochiv, Ukraine). Imber wrote the first version of the poem in 1877. when the State of Israel was established in 1948 "Hatikvah" was unofficially proclaimed the national anthem. It become officially the national anthem in November 2004. (source:Wikipedia). Video from the youtube channel TheFlagandAnthemGuy © that collects flags, national anthems and military music
"התקווה" ההמנון הלאומי של מדינת ישראל שהיה בעבר המנון התנועה הציונית כולל בשינויים .את" שני הבתים הראשונים מהשיר "תִּקְווָתֵנוּ" של נפתלי הרץ אימבר, משנת 1878. מקור הלחן במנגינה רומנית עממית שחובר למלל על ידי שמואל כהן. השיר, שהתקבל כהמנון לאומי ביישוב ובתנועה הציונית משלהי המאה ה־19, נחשב להמנון מדינת ישראל מיום הקמתה אבל עוגן בחוק הישראלי רק כעבור 56 שנה, ב־10 בנובמבר 2004. (לקוח מויקיפדיה). סרטון מערוץ היוטיוב © TheFlagandAnthemGuy שאוסף דגלים, המנונים ומוזיקה צבאית.
פורסם בתאריך מאי 27, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Israel's Bird Paradise. Agamon Hula Park is a site that gives its visitors a rare nature experience. Over a billion migrating seabirds, birds of prey and songbirds pass over its skies a year. Visitors and bird lovers can watch the birds close up in their natural habitat. This video is made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel.
Script: Guy Cotev / Video editing: Yana Lerner / Camera: Yuval Afriat / Sound: Jafar Shait / Director: Doron Solomons / English Subtitles: Nitsan Even
פורסם בתאריך ספטמבר 3, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Since July 2017, KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel, is broadcasting a local version of the ABC'S award winning You Can't Ask That, under the name Sorry for asking. The following episode – Eating disorder

Eating disorder
פורסם בתאריך יוני 18, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Complex Medical Information Made Easy and Accessible: Doctors’ Channel YouTube is a healthcare channel that provides important medical & patients’ rights information. It brings the most basic and vital data on a wide variety of diseases and medical conditions – directly from the experts – in a friendly way, using simple language anyone can understand, and accessible with subtitles in several languages (Hebrew, English, Russian & Arabic). Over 150 leading physicians from 20 hospitals & medical centers all across Israel voluntarily participate in this non-profit initiative, making sure we receive OBJECTIVE and RELIABLE information regarding our medical condition. Accordingly, it has been formally approved by the Israeli Ministry Of Health. This social & corporate responsibility project is brought by a unique cooperation between AbbVie, the Israeli Patient Rights Organization & many other partners and co-sponsors (see links). For more information visit: www.doctorschanneltube.org

פורסם בתאריך יוני 3, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Nasrallah's threat
A video by roi kais, from the official YouTube channel of KAN NEWS. The IPBC – Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation KAN NEWS youtube channel, where you will find the most beloved & Favorite News Programs in Israel – KAN Broadcasting Corporation is the official broadcaster in Israel and the official Israeli broadcasting body for the Eurovision Song Contest. English Subtitles: Nitsan Even

פורסם בתאריך מאי 28, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Alessandro Mahmood Interview
A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even

פורסם בתאריך מאי 28, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Tamta Goduadze Interview
A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even

פורסם בתאריך מאי 28, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Duncan Laurence Interview
A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even

פורסם בתאריך מאי 26, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
A taxi ride through Tel Aviv with Gal Gadot
A video made by KAN 11, the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv

פורסם בתאריך מאי 22, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Since July 2017, KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel, is broadcasting a local version of the ABC'S award winning You Can't Ask That, under the name Sorry for asking. The following episode – You Can't Ask That | polyamorous

פורסם בתאריך מאי 21, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
A tribe of brothers and sisters / with 35 Israeli singers
Credit: Galgalatz,The official Youtube Channel
Galgalatz (Hebrew: גלגלצ) is a popular Israeli radio station operated by Israel Defense Forces Radio. This is the second of two Israel Defense Forces-operated stations, while the first one is Israel Defense Forces Radio/Galatz. The station was established in 1993 and broadcasts primarily nonstop pop music and traffic reports, and few content programs. The station was established with the aid of the Israeli Ministry of Transportation (the Israeli National Authority for Traffic Safety), and frequently broadcasts Traffic Safety messages. At the top of every hour the station broadcasts a news report. Galgalatz' new official logo appears since the station's 20 years anniversary in 2013.
Galgalatz is the most popular radio station in Israel. The radio station receives extremely high ratings in Israel, especially amongst younger audiences. The percentage of 18-year-old listeners during 2006 was approximately 25%. The station broadcasters, primarily Israeli soldiers in service, have been trained as radio broadcasters at Galatz. (Wikipedia)
“This Is My Home, This Is My Heart”: 35 Israeli Singers Record a Song In Honor Of Israel’s 71st Birthday
A special project of Galgalatz radio, “Shevet Achim V’achayot” is a new song with a melody written by Idan Raichel. The song features 35 top Israeli singers, and took more than two years to produce.
All of the artists in the music video recorded their parts on as “selfies” using smartphones, filmed throughout the land of Israel.

פורסם בתאריך מאי 20, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Eurovision 2019, Operation Madonna in Israel
On this video made by KAN 11, the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv, you can have a behind- the- scenes look at the preparations for Madonna's arrival to Israel. A video of Michal Rabinovich
Video editing: Yariv V Kessler, Camera: Oren Blankstein & Yogev Attias, Sound: Yoav Mendelson, research: Guy Brillant. English Subtitles: Julie Even

פורסם בתאריך מאי 19, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Since July 2017, KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel, is broadcasting a local version of the ABC'S award winning You Can't Ask That, under the name Sorry for asking. The following episode – You Can't Ask That / Transgender. English Subtitles: Maya.

פורסם בתאריך מאי 19, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
Since July 2017, KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel, is broadcasting a local version of the ABC'S award winning You Can't Ask That, under the name Sorry for asking. The following episode – Children of LGBT Parents. English Subtitles: FAKEU LOVE / siedner / Neta Lev

פורסם בתאריך מאי 12, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
After Netta's victory in Lisbon in 2018, The 64th Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel. The first Semi-Final will be held on Tuesday, 14th of May, the second Semi-Final on Thursday, 16th of May and the Grand Final will take place on Saturday, 18th of May.The three shows will be hosted by Bar Refaeli, Erez Tal, Assi Azar and Lucy Ayoub
The Eurovision contest is organized by the European Broadcasting Union, an alliance of public service broadcasters
The Host Broadcaster is KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel. On this video made by KAN 11 you can have a behind-the-scenes look at the preparations underway at Expo Tel Aviv, the convention center where the competition will take place
English Subtitles: Julie Even

פורסם בתאריך אפריל 27, 2019 ע"י זהמהזה
קובי מרימי – אירוויזיון 2019, עם תרגום לעברית. הועלה לאוויר ע"י ערוץ היוטיוב הרשמי של כאן 11. מילים ולחן: ענבר ויצמן, אוהד שרגאי עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית: עמוס בן דוד קלידים, תופים, בס וקולות: עמוס בן דוד צ׳לו: מאיה בלזיצמן כינור וויולה: חן שנהר קולות: תהל שוהם, ענבר ויצמן ,אוהד שרגאי הוקלט ונערך ב PlayGround Studio ע״י עמוס בן דוד.