Eurovision 2019

באתר זה מה זה (זהמהזה), מיזם שיתופי חברתי להעלאת סרטונים מכל העולם עם כתוביות בעברית תמצאו סרטונים תחת הערך 2019 Eurovision.

Netta barzilai Interview

Netta barzilai Interview

On this video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and  the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv, an Interview with Netta barzilaiEnglish Subtitles: Nitsan Even


Alessandro Mahmood Interview

Alessandro Mahmood Interview

A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even

Tamta Goduadze Interview

Tamta Goduadze Interview

A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even  

Duncan Laurence Interview

Duncan Laurence Interview

A video made by KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel and the host broadcaster of The Eurovision contest. English Subtitles: Julie Even

 Eurovision 2019, Operation Madonna in Israel

Eurovision 2019, Operation Madonna in Israel

On this video made by KAN 11, the Host Broadcaster of the Eurovision 2019 in Tel Aviv, you can have a behind-  the- scenes look at the preparations for Madonna's arrival to Israel. A video of Michal Rabinovich

  Video editing: Yariv V Kessler, Camera: Oren Blankstein & Yogev Attias, Sound: Yoav Mendelson, research: Guy Brillant.  English Subtitles: Julie Even

Eurovision 2019 preparations underway

After Netta's victory in Lisbon in 2018, The 64th Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel. The first Semi-Final will be held on Tuesday, 14th of May, the second Semi-Final on Thursday, 16th of May and the Grand Final will take place on Saturday, 18th of May.The three shows will be hosted by Bar Refaeli, Erez Tal, Assi Azar and Lucy Ayoub

The Eurovision contest is organized by the European Broadcasting Union, an alliance of public service broadcasters

The Host Broadcaster is KAN 11, the Israeli State-owned free-to-air television channel. On this video made by KAN 11 you can have a behind-the-scenes look at the preparations underway at Expo Tel Aviv, the convention center where the competition will take place

English Subtitles: Julie Even

קובי מרימי – אירוויזיון 2019

קובי מרימי – אירוויזיון 2019, עם תרגום לעברית. הועלה לאוויר ע"י ערוץ היוטיוב הרשמי של כאן 11. מילים ולחן: ענבר ויצמן, אוהד שרגאי עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית: עמוס בן דוד קלידים, תופים, בס וקולות: עמוס בן דוד צ׳לו: מאיה בלזיצמן כינור וויולה: חן שנהר קולות: תהל שוהם, ענבר ויצמן ,אוהד שרגאי הוקלט ונערך ב PlayGround Studio ע״י עמוס בן דוד.